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single-tenant logic app how to set an Initial state for each workflow

In multi-tenant logic apps we can easily define in the arm template deploy the initial state of it easialy.

for example

"InitialState": {
  "value": "Disabled"

In the case of single-tenant logic app, there is a separation of concerns between the resource of the logic app and its workflows.

In my case, i created one single-tenant logic app manually in the portal.

And now the only thing i want is to do, is an automatic deploy of the workflows using azure devops pipelines.

In the workflow.json of each workflow i searched and didn't find a way to set the initial state of the workflow as disabled.

Does anyone know a way of doing that?


  • Within a single-tenant or Standard Logic App instance you can set the state of a specific workflow by setting that state via a configuration setting in the app settings of the app service.

    This app setting does require a specific structure though, see below snippet.

      name: 'Workflows.${workflowName}.FlowState'
      value: 'Disabled'

    Updating a specific app setting in a web app can be done using PowerShell for example. See documentation.