I am new to Oracle and SQL. As I have started learning on my own with database query programming, I am looking for a tip or solution to my problem:
I created myself a random database with order tickets for different products. In my advancedorders table I have a detailed breakdown of what has been changed at any given time.
Below I present the situation:
I would like to construct the database query so that it searches only for the oldest records from a given group by ID:
And get something like this:
I have tried this query:
FROM database.advancedorders
max(id) as maxId
from database.advancedorders
group by TICKET_ID
) groupedTable
ON advancedorders.id = groupedTable.maxId
and advancedorders.TICKET_ID = groupedTable.TICKET_ID
However, I am not getting this query... Can someone please advise me?
Here's one option; read comments within code (sample data in lines #1 - 16, so query you might be interested in begins at line #17):
SQL> with test (id, ticket_id, title) as
2 (select 1, 2345009, 'Banana' from dual union all
3 select 2, 2345009, 'Banana' from dual union all
4 select 3, 2345009, 'Apple' from dual union all
5 select 4, 2345009, 'Apple' from dual union all
6 --
7 select 5, 4535003, 'Lemon' from dual union all
8 select 5, 4535003, 'Lemon' from dual union all
9 select 6, 4535003, 'Lemon' from dual union all
10 --
11 select 7, 3350001, 'Pear' from dual union all
12 select 8, 3350001, 'Pear' from dual union all
13 select 9, 3350001, null from dual union all
14 --
15 select 10, 4429005, 'Watermelon' from dual
16 ),
17 temp as
18 -- rank them in descending order
19 (select id, ticket_id, title,
20 row_number() over (partition by ticket_id order by id desc) rn
21 from test
22 )
23 -- finally, return those that ranked the "highest" (rn = 1)
24 select id, ticket_id, title
25 from temp
26 where rn = 1;
---------- ---------- ----------
4 2345009 Apple
9 3350001
10 4429005 Watermelon
6 4535003 Lemon