Long story short: I want to set Edit2D polyline tool's line width to 6" based on calibration sizing and have it stay that size in the viewer no matter the camera zoom.
I tried setting edit2DTools.polylineTool.style.isScreenSpace = false;
which works, however, trying to set the specific size is difficult as it ends up being a decimal less then 1 and I can't find a correlation from the calibration, page size, etc. to allow me to dynamically set the size the same on different models.
I also found this in the Edit2D Snapper's code, but I can't figure out what's happening here to replicate it on the polyline tool. It seems to be doing what I want to do.
Any help or ideas at all would be greatly appreciated!
This code seems to be working for me:
async function setLineWidth(viewer) {
let mt = await viewer.loadExtension("Autodesk.Measure");
if (!mt.sharedMeasureConfig.calibrationFactor) {
console.log("Has not been calibrated yet");
let edit2d = viewer.getExtension('Autodesk.Edit2D');
let pt1 = {x:0, y:0, z:0}, pt2 = {x:6, y:0, z:0};
viewer.model.pageToModel(pt1, pt2, 0 /*viewport id*/, true /*reverse*/);
let style = edit2d.defaultTools.polylineTool.style;
style.lineWidth = (pt2.x - pt1.x) / mt.calibration.scaleFactor;
Here is a video showing it in action: https://youtu.be/DIaKugvQdm4
As you can see first the lineWidth
of the polylineTool
is not what you want, but after setting what 6" should be in the drawing, I can set it to the same width and all is fine.
Here is a zip file with the html including the JavaScript code and the test PDFs I used: https://github.com/adamenagy/Container/blob/master/Edit2dTest.zip