I am trying to run nested for
loop on terraform.
I have the following Yaml file:
- Department:
- Dev:
- name: "danielf"
role: developer
email : danielf@example.com
firstname : daniel
lastname : folsik
- name: "johnb"
role: developer
email : johnb@example.com
firstname : john
lastname : belk
- Ops:
- name: "benol"
role: devops
email : benol@example.com
firstname : ben
lastname : olkin
- name: "pauld"
role: devops
email : pauld@example.com
firstname : paul
lastname : dempler
I am using locals
to get the yaml data:
locals {
ou_config = yamldecode(file("employees.yaml"))
I want to run into the list of objects on "Dev" and "Ops" lists using for_each.
for example, I want to run on the "Dev" list to get the following list of objects in the first iteration:
key = "email"
value = "danielf@example.com"
key = "firstname"
value = "daniel"
key = "lastname"
value = "folskin"
The next run on the for_each will be:
key = "email"
value = "johnb@example.com"
key = "firstname"
value = "john"
key = "lastname"
value = "belk"
How can I do it on terraform?
If I understand correctly, all you are trying to extract is the details
portion of that yaml file ...
Here is what I would do to get all:
locals {
ou_config = yamldecode(file("employees.yaml"))
expanded_names = flatten([
for e in local.ou_config.Employees : [
for d in e.Department : [
for key, person in d : [
for key, value in person : [
output "test" {
value = local.expanded_names
And if we want to filter we add an if key == "Dev"
locals {
ou_config = yamldecode(file("employees.yaml"))
expanded_names = flatten([
for e in local.ou_config.Employees : [
for d in e.Department : [
for key, person in d : [
for key, value in person : [
] if key == "Dev"
output "test" {
value = local.expanded_names
A terraform plan on that will look like:
Changes to Outputs:
+ test = [
+ {
+ email = "danielf@example.com"
+ firstname = "daniel"
+ lastname = "folsik"
+ {
+ email = "johnb@example.com"
+ firstname = "john"
+ lastname = "belk"
That format should be easier to loop in the final resource than the key value you suggested