I have been able to create an order, get it approved and capture payment using PayPal sandbox. I would now like to test linking to the receipt for that order.
So, given that the order id assigned by PayPal is 1VC7586169694032B
, based on the docs I tried to point my browser to the following locations:
None of these worked.
So, are receipts for sandbox transactions stored? If so, what is the correct link? If not, how can I test the feature of linking to the order receipt without creating a real live transaction?
An order id is not a PayPal transaction id. And neither one is a receipt id, much less a PayPal Here invoice id which are the docs and links in your question.
When you capture an order id, the merchant account's transaction id will be in the response at purchase_units[0].payments.captures[0].id
That id can be looked up in PayPal.com . Perhaps you could dynamically link to the resulting details page, I haven't tested it.
Note that the merchant account and the payer account each have their own different transaction id, but it's possible to search for the "other account's" transaction id in paypal.com and still reach the details page.