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How to remove .php extension on firebase hosted webpage?

I have problem with rewriting urls on my webpage which is hosted with firebase. This is how my firebase.json looks.

  "hosting": {
    "cleanUrls": true,
    "trailingSlash": true,
    "headers": [ {
      "source": "*.php",
      "headers": [ {
        "key": "Content-Type",
        "value": "text/html"
      } ]
    } ],
    "appAssociation": "AUTO",
    "public": "public",
    "rewrites": [
        "source": "**/!(*.css|*.js|*.map|*.jpg|*.gif|*.png|*.php),/post/**",

        "dynamicLinks": true


So far so good. The problem that I have that's not working. When my webpage is hosted for example on

And my inner page for contact are at the moment on

This is working but that's not working But that's what I want. Also maybe you can check If I do it correct with giving 2 rules for rewriting first one is this on


Second is this one


Can I write it togehter or should I do a own rewrite tag for



  • The closest that Firebase Hosting offers is the "cleanUrls": true option, which you already set. But that only removes .html extensions. This is by design, as .html files are typically served as static content with their full URL showing in the browser.

    Firebase Hosting does not interpret PHP code in any way, so most likely it is serving your PHP code as plain text to your site visitors. If there is no PHP code in your files, rename them to .html at which point the "cleanUrls": true option will remove the extension.