Search code examples

MATCH for nodes with variable label name NEO4J

By queries in neo4j I get name of label as variable so in the same query I want to find all nodes with this label. I know that I can't have variable for label name like this

MATCH (n:${variable}) RETURN n

and nor

MATCH (n:variable) RETURN n

I am looking for work around for my situation I couldn't find apoc function for this situation. I expected a function like this


I know that it's possible to find nodes with label using WHERE

WHERE label IN labels(nodes)

My guess is that this structure will slow down the speed of search so I want to avoid it


  • It's not possible with pure Cypher but you can consider using APOC's procedure :

    WITH $variable AS label
    CALL"MATCH (:" + label + ") RETURN count(*) AS count", {})
    YIELD value
    RETURN label, value.count AS count;