My input consists of a series of names, each on a new line. Each name consists of a firstname, optional middle initial, and lastname. The name fields are separated by tabs. Here is a sample input:
Sally M. Smith
Tom V. Jones
John Doe
Below are the rules for my Flex lexer. It works fine but I am concerned that my lexer is doing too much: it is determining that a token is a firstname or a middle initial or a lastname. Should that determination be done in the parser, not the lexer? Am I abusing the Flex state capability? What I am seeking is a critique of my lexer. I am just a beginner, how would a parsing expert create lexer rules for this input?
[a-zA-Z]+ { yylval.strval = strdup(yytext); return(FIRSTNAME); }
[A-Z]\. { yylval.strval = strdup(yytext); return(MI); }
[a-zA-Z]+ { yylval.strval = strdup(yytext); return(LASTNAME); }
\n { BEGIN INITIAL; return EOL; }
<JUNK_STATE>. { printf("JUNK: %s\n", yytext); }
You can use lexer states as you do in this question. But it's better to use them as a means to conditionally activate rules. For examples, think of handling multi-line comments or here documents or (for us silverbacks) embedded SQL.
In your question, there's no lexical difference between a given name and a family name -- they both are matched by [a-zA-Z]+
, as would be middle names, if you were to extend your lexer.
Short answer: yes, lex NAME tokens and let the parser determine whether you have three NAME tokens on a line.