I am using the CSV reader to read a TSV in Python. The code is:
f = csv.reader(open('sample.csv'), delimiter='\t')
for chunk in f:
One row from the tab separated CSV file looks like this (csv hosted here):
doc | unit1_toks | unit2_toks | unit1_txt1 | unit2_txt2 | s1_toks | s2_toks | unit1_sent | unit2_sent | dir |
GUM_bio_galois | 156-160 | 161-170 | " We zouden dan voorstellen | dat de auteur al zijn werk zou moeten publiceren | 107-182 | 107-182 | Poisson declared Galois ' work " incomprehensible " , declaring that " [ Galois ' ] argument is not sufficient . " [ 16 ] | Poisson declared Galois ' work " incomprehensible " , declaring that " [ Galois ' ] argument would then suggest that the author should publish the opinion . " [ 16 ] | 1>2 |
I am getting the following output (the CSV reader is missing some tab spaces):
' We zouden dan voorstellen\tdat de auteur al zijn werk zou moeten publiceren\t107-182\t107-182\tPoisson declared Galois \' work incomprehensible " , declaring that " [ Galois \' ] argument is not sufficient . " [ 16 ]',
'Poisson declared Galois \' work " incomprehensible " , declaring that " [ Galois \' ] argument would then suggest that the author should publish the opinion . " [ 16 ]',
I want it to look like this:
'" We zouden dan voorstellen',
'dat de auteur al zijn werk zou moeten publiceren',
'Poisson declared Galois \' work incomprehensible " , declaring that " [ Galois \' ] argument is not sufficient . " [ 16 ]',
'Poisson declared Galois \' work " incomprehensible " , declaring that " [ Galois \' ] argument would then suggest that the author should publish the opinion . " [ 16 ]',
How can I get the CSV reader to handle incomplete quotes and retain them in my output?
import csv
with open('sample.csv') as f:
rdr = csv.reader(f, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, delimiter='\t')
header = next(rdr)
for line in rdr:
or using csv.DictReader
import csv
with open('sample.csv') as f:
rdr = csv.DictReader(f, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, delimiter='\t')
for line in rdr: