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CMake and ESP-IDF: Creating custom components


ESP-IDF v4.3.1 - Eclipse Plugin

Project with 1 active component (my plan is to add ble scanning, mqtt messaging and wifi access)

IDF_PATH:        C:\Users\username\source\esp-idf-v4.3.1\
IDF_TOOLS_PATH:  C:\Users\username\.espressif

Goal: Add MQTT capability to a custom component in ESP-IDF


../components/mqtt/include/mqtt.h:24:10: fatal error: mqtt_client.h: No such file or directory
 #include "mqtt_client.h"

Project Directory Contents:

enter image description here

Contents of /components/mqtt/CMakeLists.txt:

idf_component_register(SRCS "mqtt.c"
                        INCLUDE_DIRS "include"
                        REQUIRES mqtt esp-tls)

I added the mqtt and esp-tls required components to the CMakeLists.txt file as directed by the ESP-IDF documentation here:

Attempt to Fix 1 My first attempt at fixing this code was to update the contents of /components/mqtt/CMakeLists.txt to directly reference the required include files:

                    PRIV_INCLUDE_DIRS "C:/Users/user/source/esp-idf-v4.3.1/components/mqtt/esp-mqtt/lib/include" 
                    REQUIRES lwip nghttp mbedtls)

This builds, but there has to be a better way to build the mqtt component. Can anyone help me modify my CMakeLists.txt file to properly pull the esp-idf mqtt component in?


  • You have a naming conflict. You're trying to create a custom component named mqtt which requires the system component named mqtt and you expect the build system to figure it out. That's just asking for trouble :)

    Name your component myproject-mqtt or something. Watch out for similar problems with your components wifi and ble.