FYI, I know this question is asked here.
But I have a bit specific question.
with Google
.1. What is different between them ?
As we can see on documentation of Guava EventBus, it's used on the distribution of java events inside an application.
It is designed exclusively to replace traditional Java in-process event distribution using explicit registration. It is not a general-purpose publish-subscribe system...
Cloud Pub/Sub is a a general-purpose publish-subscribe with a large variety of use cases.
Documentation says:
This supports an "enterprise event bus" and event-driven application design patterns.
but it's different from what Guava's does.
2. Can I use Eventbus with Google Pub/Sub ?
Thinking of developing, I may say you can use Pub/Sub for your App intra-communication. But it's going to be different from what Guavas do and work.