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Can't update MutableStateFlow with model

I'm trying to update a parameter of my Model. I have a MutableStateFlow with a list with some of my model created.

 data class MyModel(
    val id: Int,
    val category: String,
    var completed: Boolean
val listOfModel = listOf(
        id = 0,
       category = "shopping",
        completed = true
    ),  MyModel(
        id = 1,
        category = "web",
        completed = false
var _modelStateFlow = MutableStateFlow(listOfModel)
var modelStateFlow = _modelStateFlow.asStateFlow()

What I want to do in my other class, is to update the "completed" parameter in the model. That's what I tried but I get the following error:

Type mismatch. Required: List<"MyModel"> Found: MyModel

 _modelStateFlow.update { it[current.value!!].copy(completed = !modelStateFlow.value[current.value!!].completed) }


  • You can do it like this:

    _modelStateFlow.update { list ->
        list.mapIndexed { index, myModel ->
            if(index == indexToUpdate) myModel.copy(completed = !myModel.completed)
            else myModel

    The reason you are getting that error is because, you need to return a new list inside update function which represents the new value of StateFlow. You can create that new list using map function. Update the model at the desired index keeping others as they are.