I've got a basic transactions
table with 4 total columns as follows :
`transaction_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`fruit_id` int(11),
`person_id` int(11),
`quantity_bought` int(11),
example select *
query :
transaction_id | fruit_id | person_id | quantity_bought |
1 | banana | alex | 65 |
2 | banana | joe | 25 |
3 | banana | jenny | 70 |
4 | apple | dan | 80 |
4 | apple | danny | 50 |
i'm required to add the total_quantity_bought
of each fruit to every row of this select query :
SELECT transactions.* FROM transactions;
here's an example of the desired output :
transaction_id | fruit_id | person_id | quantity_bought | total_quantity_bought |
1 | banana | alex | 65 | 160 |
2 | banana | joe | 25 | 160 |
3 | banana | jenny | 70 | 160 |
4 | apple | dan | 80 | 130 |
4 | apple | danny | 50 | 130 |
this is what i tried so far and miserably failed :
select x.* , y.total_quantity_bought
FROM transactions) x
cross join
(SELECT fruit_id , SUM(quantity_bought) AS total_quantity_bought
FROM transactions
GROUP BY fruit_id) y
i thought of creating a View
for sums like so, but i'm looking for a solution that doesnt require a View
fruit_id | total_quantity_bought |
banana | 160 |
apple | 130 |
any help appreciated.
You are basically there. Your JOIN
wants to specify that for everything on the left (from the transactions
table) should join to one associated total from the right (the totals
subquery) ... and that join should be conditional on a matching fruit_id
The performance of this query may drag (severely) as the dataset grows. You might want to look at either caching the totals (using a database trigger etc) or rendering the totals in code elsewhere.
If you go for the latter (rendering it elsewhere), you might be interested in the WITH ROLLUP
transactions -- These are the individual transactions
INNER JOIN -- Join each individual transaction against the calculated totals
SUM(quantity_bought) AS total_quantity_bought
FROM transactions
GROUP BY fruit_id
) as totals -- These are the calculated totals (subqueried)
ON totals.fruit_id = transactions.fruit_id
-- This joins the individual records to the totals by `fruit_id`
(Demo: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/74ae7e/10 )