I'm looking for the fastest way (computationally speaking) to do :
Say I have this list of strings:
a = ['3412','7895','0042','1122','0001']
And I want my output to be a string b = 12349578420022110100 with something like a 16-bit byte-swap
My code goes (I used the entry as a string but it will be a list soon):
a = '34127895004211220001'
b = ''
i = 0
while (i < len(a)):
b = b + a[i + 2:i + 4] + a[i:i + 2]
i = i + 4
b = 12349578420022110100
Do you think this approach is the best one ?
Like @Ashwini mentioned it's depend on input size.
But my approach is to add how many possible functions
so my solution is this:
def swap(string):
return string[-2:] + string[:-2]
a = ['3412','7895','0042','1122','0001']
s = ''.join(swap(a[i]) for i in range(len(a)))