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Windows bat script fails with command on multiple line

I have two machines that need to run a single script as follows:

cd C:\my_project\
git pull
set ENV=prod
poetry config virtualenvs.create false
poetry install
poetry run python -m my_module

Here are the version of both machines:

Machine 1

>cmd /version
Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.19042.1348]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés.

Machine 2

>cmd /version
Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.19042.1288]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés.

The script runs well on Machine 2, but stop after the first command of poetry on Machine 1. I have to modify the script on Machine 1 to have all the poetry commands in a single line separated with & to have the script which runs correctly.

cd C:\my_project\
git pull
set ENV=prod
poetry config virtualenvs.create false & poetry install & poetry run python -m my_module

More context:

  • errorlevel is 0 after each command
  • I run on both Machines with the same user with the same privileges
  • I've restarted Machine 1 and the behavior is still the same

Is this a Windows version problem? Is this a problem with some resources (memory, CPU...)? Is this a problem with encoded/invisible characters? Installation problems with poetry?


  • On your machine1 - poetry is a batch file!
    You could use call poetry instead.

    Probably you installed poetry differently.

    This is a bug in the install script, it creates poetry.bat on Windows, so the closest shell is always cmd.exe.

    Workaround is to install Poetry using pip or pipx.

    On windows poetry shell always start a cmd