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Best practice to integrate Azure Data Factory and Slack?

I have Azure Data Factory Pipeline and I would like to send notification to Slack in the end of pipeline. Notification body is formed from content of database data.

Best practice to integrate Azure Data Factory and Slack?

A) ADF Webbook(to slack) -> Slack B) ADF Web -> Logic Apps Web+Webhook -> Slack


  • Below is one way that worked for me Firstly I have taken 2 variables

    1. ListOfFiles - Array
    2. strListOfFiles - string

    Here is the pipeline that Im using:

    enter image description here

    ForEach loop Activities:

    enter image description here

    I have made items in my settings to read the child items i.e..

    @activity('Get List of Files').output.childitems

    Then in the set variables I'm storing all the arrays of ListOfFiles inside strListOfFiles

    enter image description here

    And then in the Web Im using my Logic App URL making post method having { "ListOfFiles":@{variables('strListOfFiles')} } inside the body.

    enter image description here

    Logic App workflow

    enter image description here

    Im using the below JSON Schema inside the HTTP request

        "properties": {
            "ListOfFiles": {
                "type": "array"
        "type": "object"