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how to render an object with two flux fields without blocking?

I want to render an object composed of two mono or flux elements (below a code snippet):

 Mono<List<NodeDTO>> nodeDTOFlux = this.webClient
            .uri(NODES_WITH_LIMIT + limit)
                    response -> response.bodyToMono(String.class).flatMap(
                            msg -> Mono.error(new ApiCallException(msg, response.statusCode())))
            .bodyToFlux(new ParameterizedTypeReference<Node>() {
            }).map(node -> nodeMapper.toNodeDTO(node))

    Mono<List<EdgeDTO>> edgeDTOFlux = this.webClient
            .uri(EDGES_WITH_LIMIT + limit)
                    response -> response.bodyToMono(String.class).flatMap(
                            msg -> Mono.error(new ApiCallException(msg, response.statusCode())))
            .bodyToFlux(new ParameterizedTypeReference<Edge>() {
            }).map(edge -> edgeMapper.toEdgeDTO(edge))

I tried with zip() method but it's not what I aim to do I tried to return an object like this

    GraphDataDTO graphDataDTO = new GraphDataDTO();

I have a result in my console but the object returned { "nodeDTOS": { "scanAvailable": true }, "edgeDTOS": { "scanAvailable": true } } the return is done before getting all the flux.. is there any solution without blocking ! thanks in advance.


  • This should work:

    return, edgeDTOFlux)
          .map(tuple2 -> GraphDataDTO.builder().nodeDTO(tuple2.getT1()).edgeDTO(tuple2.getT2()).build())

    It creates a Tuple of NodeDTO and EdgeDTO and maps it into GraphDataDTO.