Search code examples

Spotify API: Error parsing through JSON with Python

I have had trouble appending id's to a separate list as I parse through the JSON I receive from Spotify's "Users Saved Tracks" endpoint.

The JSON received looks like this:

    "href": "",
    "items": [
            "added_at": "2021-11-16T13:56:51Z",
            "track": {
                "album": {
                    "album_type": "single",
                    "artists": [
                            "external_urls": {
                                "spotify": ""
                            "href": "",
                            "id": "3iKDeO8yaOiWz7vkeljunk",
                            "name": "Heavenward",
                            "type": "artist",
                            "uri": "spotify:artist:3iKDeO8yaOiWz7vkeljunk"
                    "available_markets": [
                "disc_number": 1,
                "duration_ms": 224838,
                "explicit": false,
                "external_ids": {
                    "isrc": "QZK6P2040977"
                "external_urls": {
                    "spotify": ""
                "href": "",
                "id": "6mJ1nbmQOm6iNClo71K5O6",
                "is_local": false,
                "name": "Hole",
                "popularity": 33,
                "preview_url": "",
                "track_number": 1,
                "type": "track",
                "uri": "spotify:track:6mJ1nbmQOm6iNClo71K5O6"

Right now my code that I am using to parse looks like this:

def getLikedTrackIds(session):

    url = ''
    payload = makeGetRequest(session, url)

    if payload == None:
        return None
    liked_tracks_ids = []
    for track in payload['items']:
        for attribute in track['track']:
            if (attribute == 'id'):
      "\n\nTrack ID: {attribute}")
    return liked_tracks_ids

My liked_track_ids is filled with the string "id", for each song:

[ "id", "id", "id", "id"....]

Can anyone provide insight as to what I am doing wrong?


  • Already commented under the question but your code can be simplified by getting rid of the loop:

    def getLikedTrackIds(session):
        url = ''
        payload = makeGetRequest(session, url)
        if payload == None:
            return None
        liked_tracks_ids = []
        for track in payload['items']:
            liked_id =  track['track'].get('id', None)
            if liked_id:
      "\n\nTrack ID: {liked_id}")
        return liked_tracks_ids