Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::withQueryString does not exist.
when i write this code it gives this error
<div class="float-right">{{ $modeller->withQueryString()->links()}}</div>
public function index(){
$modeller = Modeller::query();
$koleksiyonlar = Koleksiyon::all();
$modelistler = Modelist::all();
$uretim_sorumlulari = Uretim_sorumlusu::all();
$modeller = $modeller->where('ModelKodu', 'LIKE', "%".request('model_kodu')."%");
$modeller = $modeller->where('koleksiyon_id', 'LIKE', "%".request('koleksiyon_id')."%");
$modeller = $modeller->where('UretimSor', 'LIKE', "%".request('uretim_sorumlusu_id')."%");
$modeller = $modeller->where('modelist_id', 'LIKE', "%".request('modelist_id')."%");
$modeller = $modeller->paginate(18);
return view('kumas.index',compact('modeller','koleksiyonlar','modelistler','uretim_sorumlulari'));
The paginate
method, runs an implicit get
on your query result.
try to use withQueryString
instead of paginate
but from your use case I suggest to use this in your view, instead of query string, this will add everything came from query string to your links:
{{ $users->appends($_GET)->links() }}
the page, offset, ... and everything paginate needs, would append automatically to paginate function without any effort.
you only need to explicitly ->appends($_GET)
when you have some filtering parameters in your $_GET
and want to preserve them in the following requests, when user clicks the next page or previous page