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Hijri Date Formatting

I have some data that is downloaded from a website, one column of this data is containing Hijri date. In order to have this column as proper Date column I applied the below formatting:

enter image description here

but the issue it will not be considered as date and be aligned to the Right unless I enter the cell (by double click or F2) and then press Enter

Because the number of rows is big the way I'm using is not practical

I tried the following:

  • Copy the cells to Notepad and then paste again in excel but didn't work
  • Replaced the date separator from "-" to "." and then replace back to "-" as if the date separator was "." and replaced by "-" that usually working for the Gregorian date converting it from Text to Date
  • Created a VBA code applying the code for the selected cells to enter the cells and exit them to refresh, check below:
Sub HijriDateEnforce()
  Dim cel As Range
  Dim selectedRange As Range
  Set selectedRange = Application.Selection
  For Each cel In selectedRange.Cells
    Selection.NumberFormat = "[$-1970000]B2dd/mm/yyyy;@"
    SendKeys "{F2}~"
  Next cel
End Sub

but the code for unknown reason if the number of rows is very big it stops after some time and I have to run it again for the remaining cells


  • I hate suggesting .Select but what I suggested earlier doesn't work in your scenario. So try this


    Sub HijriDateEnforce()
        Dim acell As Range
        Dim selectedRange As Range
        Set selectedRange = Application.Selection
        selectedRange.NumberFormat = "[$-1970000]B2dd/mm/yyyy;@"
        For Each acell In selectedRange
            Application.SendKeys "{F2}"
            Application.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
        Next acell
    End Sub

    In Action

    enter image description here