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Invalid command MDTM in iis ftp

I want to get all timestamp of files on ftp server. It's an iis ftp server on windows 10. When I typed "?" on command line prompt, lists below has shown

 ftp> ?
 Commands may be abbreviated.  Commands are:
 !               delete          literal         prompt          send
 ?               debug           ls              put             status
 append          dir             mdelete         pwd             trace
 ascii           disconnect      mdir            quit            type
 bell            get             mget            quote           user
 binary          glob            mkdir           recv            verbose
 bye             hash            mls             remotehelp
 cd              help            mput            rename
 close           lcd             open            rmdir

There is no mdtm command here, although google says this cmd was added in IIS6, IIS7 years ago. What should I do? Or is there any cmd can instead of it?


  • ? is the wrong command to use, as it prints out the help information about the Windows FTP command, not the IIS FTP server.

    You should use remotehelp, and I wrote about that years ago in this blog post.