This may be kind of stupid but I've made a really roundabout way of validating a credit card number. I'm still really new at python and coding in general and wanted to make it so that I can validate the amount of digits, whether or not the input is numbers, and to also make it so I can print the input split up like this: xxx-xxxx-xxxx
So far I have this (please excuse how messy and probably unnecessary a lot of it is!)
CreditOne = 0
CreditTwo = 0
CreditThree = 0
while True:
CreditOne, CreditTwo, CreditThree = input("Enter the credit card number (separate with spaces): ").split()
CreditCardList = [CreditOne, CreditTwo, CreditThree]
CreditCardNumber = "-".join(CreditCardList)
if CreditOne.isdigit() and CreditTwo.isdigit() and CreditThree.isdigit() and len(CreditOne) == 4 and len(CreditTwo) == 4 and len(CreditThree) == 4:
elif CreditOne == 0 or CreditTwo == 0 or CreditThree == 0:
print("Please input a valid credit card number.")
print("Please input a valid credit card number.")
It does the job for the most part except for the fact that if the user just inputs something like 4 4 or like a singular letter it will get a ValueError:
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 1)
Basically what I've been trying to do is create a validation that allows the loop to continue after the error and return to the start of the loop. I've tried a try except loop and it didn't work, I wanted to get a second opinion on this and maybe some help from somebody who understands what I'm trying to achieve with my code.
Instead of unpacking first, then combining them into a list, do it the other way around:
CreditCardList = input("Enter the credit card number (separate with spaces): ").split()
if len(CreditCardList) == 3:
CreditOne, CreditTwo, CreditThree = CreditCardList
# ... do other stuff
print("You must enter exactly 3 numbers")
As a side note, study generator expressions, list comprehensions and built-ins such as all
and any
to further simplify your code. For example, the following line:
if CreditOne.isdigit() and CreditTwo.isdigit() and CreditThree.isdigit() and len(CreditOne) == 4 and len(CreditTwo) == 4 and len(CreditThree) == 4:
can be rewritten as
if all(c.isdigit() and len(c) == 4 for c in CreditCardList):