I run the cell and it just runs continuously without stopping. Instead id like to have the script not start until the time period is triggered.
I have 4 functions being called in the main function. What am I missing?
Here's my script:
def main():
print("Lets connect to Snowflake...")
SnowDB = ConnectSnow('email.com', passwordSNOW)
print("Reading Snowflake statement")
DFsnow = SnowZips(sqlzipterry)
print("Lets connect to Salesforce...")
SFDB = ConnectSalesforce('email.com', passwordSF)
print("Reading Salesforce statement")
df2 = SFZips(sf_data)
Final = MergeZips(df2,df1)
while True:
u are running the code inside a while loop with true condition so it will start executing infinitely .