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Error Intel Fortran calling C shared library function that receives an integer

I am trying to run a C function from a Linux shared library (.so) from Fortran. The function in C receives an integer number from the Fortran program. I am not getting an erroneous value in C when using the intel compiler (2021.3.0), yet gfortran works without any issues. There seems to be a type error that I can't identify. I am creating an abstract interface following the syntax for interoperability established here

Function in C:

int print_number(int n)
    printf("Hello world! %d\n", n);
    return 0;

Function in Fortran

! Interface with shared library
abstract interface
    !% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    !% Simulation
    !% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    integer function print_number(number)
        use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
        implicit none
        integer(c_int), value :: number
    end function print_number
end interface

The output when calling print_number(2):

Hello world! 734920112   

I am attaching the files to reproduce the error here. First, execute ./, then ./run_test

I would appreciate it a lot if someone could point out what I am doing wrong.



  • You should not use an abstract interface for this, but the problem probably comes from not using bind(C).

    Without bind(C) Intel Fortran compiles the function to expect a pointer (to a copy of something). To make it expect a value, use both value and bind(C).