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How to get total count for given time period in DynamoDB?

Background: We have an api which different api users are calling from different companies. We are logging every request in DataDog. From DD, I am fetching those logs every minute, get the required data i.e. apiUserKey, companyName, dateAccessed, apiVersion etc. I am logging each of this request in a DynamoDB table called EpgApiStatistics as shown in the image.

I can paginate through the list but I also need to maintain the total count for each api user and also the total count for each company(channel). For this purpose I have created two separate tables where I have the apiUserkey as partition key and channelId as parition key and then increment the total count.

My question is how can I calculate total count for a given time period or range of time. Let's say we want to see total api calls by a user from 10th to 17th November or month etc?

Main table with api calls details Total api calls count for each api user Total api calls count for each company

I have read about GSI (global secondary index) but I am confused how can I use them in my current setup. Thanks for your time.


  • Query individual ApiUserKey by date range

    Repurpose the SortKey column to include the log's timestamp:

    SortKey for each log entry becomes: Log#<Timestamp> or Log#<Date>#<Random>

    We can now query by day, month, and year date range for an individual ApiKey ApiUserKey=<APIKey> and starts_with(SortKey, Log#2021-11)

    For date range queries such as weeks or arbitrary from-to dates, you have to combine a query (overfetch based on > or < or starts_with) with a filter expression.

    Query all api keys for a certain date range

    To get logs in a range for all ApiKeys, add a Global Secondary Index, where you reverse the above keys. The timestamp becomes the GSI Partition Key, and the ApiKey the GSI Sort Key.

    Query channels by date range

    Same pattern. Add a second GSI, with the channel as GSI PK and the timestamp as GSI SK. You use this second index to query by channel with >, < or = on the timestamps.

    Important to note: dynamodb makes a copy of all the indexed line items for each added index.