I would like to solve a constrained optimization problem.
max {ln (c1) + ln (c2)}
s.t. 4(c1) + 6(c2) ≤ 40
I wrote this code:
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
def main():
solving a regular constrained optimization problem
max ln(cons[0]) + ln(cons[1])
st. prices[0]*cons[0] + prices[1]*cons[1] <= I
prices = np.array([4.0, 6.0])
I = 40.0
util = lambda cons: np.dot( np.log(cons)) #define utility function
budget = lambda cons: I - np.dot(prices, cons) #define the budget constraint
initval = 40.0*np.ones(2) #set the initial guess for the algorithm
res = optimize.minimize(lambda x: -util(x), initval, method='slsqp',
constraints={'type':'ineq', 'fun':budget},
assert res['success'] == True
Unfortunately, my code don't print any solution. Can you help me figure out why?
Your code yields a TypeError since np.dot
expects two arguments, see the definition of your utils
function. Hence, use
# is the same as np.dot(np.ones(2), np.log(cons))
utils = lambda cons: np.sum(np.log(cons))