I was making confirmation when the user tried to close the form by modified
and values length > 0.
if (modified) {
return (
(modifiedItem) => modified[modifiedItem] && values[modifiedItem]?.length > 0,
).length > 0
Everything is working fine until there are values with an array: when I try to access by values[answers.0.icon] there is undefined, of course, it should be accessed by values.answers[0].icon, by is it possible to do it when iterating modified keys? Or another way should be appreciated.
Thank you beforehand.
Below screenshots of values:
Modified keys:
I'd suggest to include lodash and use the get function. This will resolve the "path" for you.
For example _.get(values, modifiedItem)
More info can be found at https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.15#get