Say I have a CSS variable for an hsl
defined as such:
--white-1: hsl(0deg 0% 100%);
Now, I want to use that same white, but at 50% opacity. So, something like this:
--white-2: hsla(0deg 0% 100% 50%);
Is there a way to use the first variable --white-1
in the definition of the variable --white-2
? I guess I want to do something like this:
--white-2: hsla(var(--white-1) 50%);
Is there a way to achieve this in CSS?
In the near future yes:
:root {
--white-1: hsl(0deg 0% 100%);
--white-2: hsl(from var(--white-1) h s l / 50%);