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write a vscode extension visual test

I created a VSCode Extension and then I need to write some tests. I am using Mocha and chai. I wrote a few tests and I don't have any issue with that part. My problem is with the below scenario:

I have a button, when I press that button, an input box will appear and then I need to key in a value in the input box and press the okay button.

Can you help me with how I can simulate this scenario by a test? should simulate press the first button by calling the Command palette but how to key in value in the input box? ** Please take note that I already wrote the function test, but the user wants to test the UI also.

can you help me in finding an example related to my problem?


  • There is something like vscode-extension-tester which lets you test the GUI very comfortable. All information you can find on its github main page: