I'm having problems getting a variable "${Error[*]}"
, which is a regular indexed array, to stay set from the time it's declared until it's checked. It seems to me that a sub-shell must be launched so the declaration doesn't stick. I didn't think sub-shells were opened when using braces { stuff...; }
. I want to know how to get my variable, Error
to stick in the case I'm trying to write up. Here's a sample of my script:
TestFunction () {
unset Error
local archive="$1" extlist="$2" && local ext="${archive##*.}"
shopt -s nocasematch
local -i run=0
while [[ "$run" == 0 || -n "${Error[run]}" ]]; do
(( run++ ))
local IFS=$'\n\r\t '
if [[ ! "${Error[*]}" =~ 'cpio' && "$ext" =~ ^(pax|cpio|cpgz|igz|ipa|cab)$ && -n "$(which 'cpio')" ]]; then
## Try to cpio the archive. Since cpio cannot handle '.cab' archive, I want to declare an Error ##
{ cpio -ti --quiet <"$archive" 2>'/dev/null' || local -a Error[run]='cpio'; } | grep -Ei '$extlist'
elif [[ ! "${Error[*]}" =~ 'zipinfo' && "$ext" =~ ^(zip|[jw]ar|ipa|cab)$ && -n "$(which 'unzip')" ]]; then
## If cpio fails, then try zipinfo, or unzip on the next run through the loop... ##
if which 'zipinfo' &>'/dev/null'; then
{ zipinfo -1 "$archive" 2>'/dev/null' || local -a Error[run]='zipinfo'; } | grep -Ei "$scanlist"
elif which 'unzip' &>'/dev/null'; then
{ unzip -lqq "$archive" 2>'/dev/null' || local -a Error[run]='unzip'; } | gsed -re '/^ +[0-9]+/!d;s|^ +[0-9]+ +[0-9-]+ [0-9:]+ +||' | grep -Ei "$exlist"
## many more elifs... ##
shopt -u nocasematch
return 0
declare -a List=($(TestFunction '/Users/aesthir/Programming/│My Projects│/Swipe Master/Test Folder/SDKSetup.cab' "$Archives"))
IFS=$' \t\n'
〔xtrace〕 unset Error
〔xtrace〕 local 'archive=/Users/aesthir/Programming/│My Projects│/Swipe Master/Test Folder/SDKSetup.cab' 'extlist=\.(gnutar|7-zip|lharc|toast|7zip|boz|bzi?p2?|cpgz|cpio|gtar|g?z(ip)?|lzma(86)?|t[bg]z2?|ar[cgjk]|bz[2a]?|cb[7rz]|cdr|deb|[dt]lz|dmg|exe|fbz|fgz|gz[aip]|igz|img|iso|lh[az]|lz[hmswx]?|mgz|mpv|mpz|pax|piz|pka|[jrtwx]ar|rpm|s?7-?z|sitx?|m?pkg|sfx|nz|xz)$'
〔xtrace〕 local ext=cab
〔xtrace〕 shopt -s nocasematch
〔xtrace〕 local -i run=0
〔xtrace〕 [[ 0 == 0 ]]
〔xtrace〕 (( run++ ))
〔xtrace〕 local 'IFS=
〔xtrace〕 [[ ! '' =~ cpio ]]
〔xtrace〕 [[ cab =~ ^(pax|cpio|cpgz|igz|ipa|cab)$ ]]
〔xtrace〕 which cpio
〔xtrace〕 [[ -n /usr/bin/cpio ]]
〔xtrace〕 grep -Ei '$extlist'
〔xtrace〕 cpio -ti --quiet
〔xtrace〕 local -a 'Error[run]=cpio'
〔xtrace〕 [[ 1 == 0 ]]
〔xtrace〕 [[ -n '' ]] ## <—— Problem is here... when checking "${Error[run]}", it's unset ##
〔xtrace〕 shopt -u nocasematch
〔xtrace〕 return 0
, zipinfo
, and unzip
cannot handle cab files... I put 'cab' in the extension list on purpose to cause an error.
I want to stay in TestFunction
and keep looping with different archivers until a success (file list is dumped, which cabextract
would gladly do in this case) without repeating an already failed archiver.
Finally, since this works fine...
TestFunction () {
unset Error
local archive="$1" extlist="$2" && local ext="${archive##*.}"
local -i run=0
while [[ "$run" == 0 || -n "${Error[run]}" ]]; do
(( run++ ))
local IFS=$'\n\r\t '
if [[ ! "${Error[*]}" =~ 'cpio' && "$ext" =~ ^(pax|cpio|cpgz|igz|ipa|cab)$ && -n "$(which 'cpio')" ]]; then
cpio -ti --quiet <"$archive" 2>'/dev/null' || local -a Error[run]='cpio'
shopt -u nocasematch
return 0
... I have to assume the problem is the braces because I want the results grep
'd right away. However, I need those braces there because I don't want Error[run]
to be set if grep
turns up no results, only if cpio
fails. I dont want to grep outside TestFunction
for other reasons (I would have to do a complete re-write).
Any quick solution to this without massive rewriting? Maybe echo 'cpio'
to some fd and read -u6
ing it somehow?
I'd much prefer not to have to set an array to the file list and then for loop | grep
through every file as it would really slow things down.
The problem is not the braces, but the pipe. Because you're using a pipe, the assignment to Error[run] is happening in a subshell, so that assignment disappears when the subshell exits.
{ cpio -ti --quiet <"$archive" 2>'/dev/null' || local -a Error[run]='cpio'; } | grep -Ei '$extlist'
cpio -ti --quiet <"$archive" 2>'/dev/null' | grep -Ei "$extlist"
[[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]] && Error[run]='cpio'
(btw, need double quotes in the grep part)