I want to use MudDatePicker element in a way where I need to be able to set a default value on load but at the same time define a onChange
event for it. I am trying to do this but error says:
The component parameter is used two or more times for this component
Is there a way I can do this?
<MudDatePicker @bind-Date="@DefaultValue.Value" Label="Date" DateChanged="OnDateChange"
Required="true" Class="mb-3" />
If you have a two-way binding in Blazor i.e. @bind-Date="date"
, you can convert it to a one-way binding with a change event which must set the value. The two-way binding is just syntax sugar and will do the same behind the scene.
<MudDatePicker Date="@_date" Label="Date" DateChanged="OnDateChange"
Required="true" Class="mb-3" />
@inject ISnackbar Snackbar
@code {
DateTime? _date = new DateTime(2021, 12, 24);
void OnDateChange(DateTime? newDate)
// here you can do something when the date changes.
Snackbar.Add($"Date changed to {_date}");
Here is a snippet which you can play around with: https://try.mudblazor.com/snippet/mYcPFPvLnlyEHeOF