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C# - Casting a Generic Delegate to a Non Generic Delegate

I have a generic delegate that accepts a argument, Args<T>. I also have a normal delegate which accepts Args.

delegate Task ExampleDelegate<T>(Args<T> args)

delegate Task ExampleDelegate(Args args)

Args<T> extends from Args

public class Args {


public class Args<T> : Args {


I am currently extending my non generic interfaces/classes which use ExampleDelegate to create new generic interfaces/classes using ExampleDelegate<T>.

Since all of them extend the non-generic versions, it has been painless to extend them so far until I had to override a method which accepts ExampleDelegate.

I haven't been able to cast ExampleDelegate<T> into ExampleDelegate since the signatures don't match.

One of the ways I was able to this was,

ExampleDelegate<SomeClass> genericDelegate= //some method

//First case
ExampleDelegate nonGenericDelegate = args => genericDelegate(args as Args<SomeClass>);

//Second case
genericDelegate = argsT => nonGenericDelegate(argsT);

Is there any better way of doing this?

Update: Is it possible to do this without creating an anonymous method like the one above?


  • Is there any better way of doing this?

    Probably yes, but we don't know what you are trying to do so we can't help you

    I don't see why I need to cast explicitly in the second case as well?

    You don't...? Here is some code that compiles just fine:

    class TestClass
        void DoStuff()
            ExampleDelegate nonGeneric = a => { };
            ExampleDelegate<int> generic = b => nonGeneric(b);
    delegate void ExampleDelegate(Args args);
    delegate void ExampleDelegate<T>(Args<T> args);
    class Args<T> : Args {}
    class Args {}