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Exception from a Spring WebFlux Mono interrupts

Let's say that I have two calls using spring webclient. Both are defined as follow, with an exception thrown in .onStatus :

public Mono<Model> getCall(String path) {
            .onStatus(HttpStatus::isError, errorHandler())}

And this is the Exception function errorHandler() :

private Function<ClientResponse, Mono<? extends Throwable>> errorHandler() {
    return clientResponse -> clientResponse.bodyToMono(ErrorResponse.class).
            flatMap(errorBody -> Mono.error(new CustomException(clientResponse.statusCode().value(), "exception", errorBody)));

On my, I defined it as follow :,

The problem is, if one of the calls throws an exception, I can no longer get at least one of the result. Tried using :

.onErrorContinue(CustomException.class, (error, output) -> log.error("CustomException !" + error + output))

So how can I handle exceptions with, like we do with try catch, but without stopping the execution and getting the results of successful calls ? And Thank you


  • If your output has an empty state you can do something like:

    .onErrorResume(CustomException.class, e -> Model.empty())

    If you don't have empty state you should wrap the output into Optional:

    .onErrorResume(CustomException.class, e -> Optional.empty())

    In any case these operators should be chained to the getCall method. For example:

    public Mono<Model> getCall(String path) {
        return webClient.get()
                .onStatus(HttpStatus::isError, errorHandler())     
                .onErrorResume(CustomException.class, e -> Model.empty());