I have three tasks, which shares a binary semaphore myBinarySemaphore
. I'd like to know which task is currently having the binary semaphore. I could use a global variable to do this but does freeRTOS provide a method for this ?
Here's the code, I'm looking for a freeRTOS method to check which task has the binarySemaphore, in taskC
for example. xTaskOwner
is pure invention for example purpose. Thanks.
void taskA(void *pvParameters)
if(xSemaphoreTake(myBinarySemaphore, (TickType_t) 10) == pdTRUE)
void taskB(void *pvParameters)
if(xSemaphoreTake(myBinarySemaphore, (TickType_t) 10) == pdTRUE)
void taskC(void *pvParameters)
if(xTaskOwner(myBinarySemaphore) == taskA) // <== How to check with freeRTOS which task has the semaphore ?
printf("taskA has the semaphore");
else if (xTaskOwner(myBinarySemaphore) == taskB)
printf("taskB has the semaphore");
PS & EDIT: let's assume that taskC can be run simultaneously than the other tasks, because otherwise my example is wrong.
I would add a Queue with a simple message in it that says which task currently has the semaphore. Every time you take the semaphore, you overwrite the queue. In taskC you can do a xQueuePeek and see which task did the overwrite.
You can use event flags to signal which task has the semaphore. Each task has its own flag on a share event group.