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running SpringBootTest using a spring profile given by maven

I got the following profile in my maven pom:


which is fine for starting application, but if i want to build the application as follow mvn clean install -Plocal my @SpringBootTest fails due to:

No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default

also tried:


what am I missing?

ps mvn spring-boot:run -Plocal works no problem there ... also no intrested in mvn clean install i know this works but just not intrested as profiles contain more than just profiles for us!


  • (Your) Spring-boot-maven-plugin (configuration) is not affected by "install" target (it involves only spring-boot:repackage, which is not aware of "active profiles"/this config), that is why your profile (though propagated) not activated in your tests.

    If you want it to work for mvn install, you will have to pass:


    • surefire-plugin

      in pom(>profile>build>plugins):


      or via cmd. See also. Plugin-Doc.

    • failsafe-plugin ... analogous!;) Plugin-Doc.

    • maybe more... (any other plugin, which starts spring-boot.)

    • But of course, please don't "forget" about @ActiveProfiles, which activates(more precisely adds!) profiles to your test( classe)s. (but build independent;)

    • And (of course;) you can also "package" somewhere in your application (properties/any location), in (almost) any "maven build".

      e.g. :

      • pom.xml:

         <!-- ... and (outside/in default profile!) -->
          <!-- ... -->
      • src/test/resources/
      • would write into target/test-classes/

        ..., which would be (hopefully) picked up & activated by the "next test".