I've written a downloader in python 3.9.1 that utilizes yt-dlp, using this format:
outTmpl = "{}"
rows = c.fetchall()
ydl_opts = dict()
for row in rows:
ydl_opts = {
'verbose': True,
'outtmpl': outTmpl.format(row[1]),
'abort-on-unavailable-fragment': True,
with yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
However some downloads skip fragments (due to timeouts or whatever), leaving me with something that is cut short.
Any idea what i need to put in the ydl_opts? I thought 'abort-on-unavailable-fragment': True
would suffice, but the download carries on and processes the file with ffmpeg.
Any idea how i fix this please and if it starts failing to download segments, just abort the job and remove any files its created? Maybe the option i'm calling is incorrect?
The option is named skip_unavailable_fragments
. See the docstring of FragmentFD
if it starts failing to download segments, just abort the job and remove any files its created?
There is no functionality in yt-dlp to automatically remove the temporary files. You will have to catch the error and do it yourself