I have the following code to get API data and store it in a csv file:
for projectid in `gcloud scc assets list <someorgID>
-- format="get(asset["securityCenterProperties"]["resourceDisplayName"])"`
gcloud recommender recommendations list \
--location=global \
--recommender=google.iam.policy.Recommender \
--project=$projectid \
--format="csv[no-heading](content["overview"], content["operationGroups"])" >> temp_iam.csv done
This will get result such as:
cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com, remove
cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com, add
I want to add the value of $projectid to the first place as:
projectid1, cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com, remove
projectid2, cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com, add
How I can achieve this?
You could ask awk
to insert the loop variable; here's a simplified loop to demonstrate:
for projectid in projectid1 projectid2
gcloud ... | awk -v project="$projectid" '{ $1=project ", " $1; print;}'
This pipes the output of gcloud ...
to awk; awk is given a variable named "project" which is set to the value of the loop variable $projectid
. Then on each line of awk's input (gcloud's output), we replace the first field with a concatenation of that project
variable, a command and a space, then value of the first field -- essentially prefixing the projectid value as the new first value of the CSV output.
The new script would be:
for projectid in `gcloud scc assets list <someorgID>
-- format="get(asset["securityCenterProperties"]["resourceDisplayName"])"`
gcloud recommender recommendations list \
--location=global \
--recommender=google.iam.policy.Recommender \
--project=$projectid \
--format="csv[no-heading](content["overview"], content["operationGroups"])" | \
awk -v project="$projectid" '{ $1=project ", " $1; print;}' >> temp_iam.csv