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.htaccess brotli compression with BrotliCompressionQuality in one line

I'm trying to active a better BrotliCompressionQuality of 6 or 7 in my htaccess file, but is has no sense on compression. Maybe is there a special syntax for one line usage?

Here is a good working examle:

AddOutputFilterByType BROTLI_COMPRESS;DEFLATE text/html

And I am tring to use that one for better compression:

AddOutputFilterByType BROTLI_COMPRESS;DEFLATE BrotliCompressionQuality 7 text/html

But compression quality is always on default.

Test with shown always the default value of 5.

Anyone know how to set up compression quality to other value as default in just one line?


  • AddOutputFilterByType BROTLI_COMPRESS;DEFLATE BrotliCompressionQuality 7 text/html

    Should be:

    AddOutputFilterByType BROTLI_COMPRESS;DEFLATE text/html
    BrotliCompressionQuality 7

    But BrotliCompressionQuality cannot be used in .htaccess. This directive can only be used in the main server config (or vHost).
