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How to turn off google cloud platform security key enforcement?


I have an organization in google cloud and cloud identity. In the identity admin panel I have selected to not enforce 2fa but to allow users to enable it.

2FA enforcement

However, if a user wants to log in to google cloud and don't have a security key as 2fa. They are greeted with this screen

Google cloud failed login screen

And if a user has a security key as 2fa then they are allowed access to the google cloud console panel.


How can I turn off the enforcement/requirement of a security key for users to be able to log in to google cloud?


I have created a video that shows the problem:


  • I have finally found the settings menu where this is located. Google has settings for session controls and how often users need to re-authenticate. One of the options is with the kind of re-authentication method users must use. Mine was set to "security key".

    Hence, when users wanted to log in they were forced to authenticate with a security key that they did not have.

    This is where it is located:

    Re-authentication settings