I am having some difficulty with Qt.openUrlExternally
on Symbian^3. Sometimes it works, sometimes not, and I can't find any pattern to it.
Another user seems to be having the same problem here.
When it does not work, the actual behaviour is that a web browser opens, comes to the foreground briefly (for a few seconds), then goes to the background. It is still open, but the URL does not load.
fails. I initially concluded that this meant any URL with ?
does not work, however this is wrong because...
works. However, it seems to work for one word only because:
Has anyone encountered a similar issue (specifically for sending arbitrary text to Twitter I suppose), and what have they done about it?
OK, had an result on this on the Qt forum. Qt.openUrlExternally
does not seem to like URLs containing %20
as an escaped space. +
works. (This brought to my attention that my second assertion above was wrong, http://twitter.com/share?text=ZOMG
does work).
The solution seems to be to pass the URI parameter through Javascript's encodeURIComponent()
function and replace all resulting %20
s with +