I have an Enumerable array
int meas[] = new double[] {3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18};
On each successive call to the mock's method that I'm testing I want to return a value from that array.
using(_mocks.Record()) {
using(_mocks.Playback()) {
foreach(var i in meas)
Assert.AreEqual(i, mocked_class.GetValue();
Does anyone have an idea how I can do this?
There is alway static fake object, but this question is about rhino-mocks, so I present you with the way I'll do it. The trick is that you create a local variable as the counter, and use it in your anonymous delegate/lambda to keep track of where you are on the array. Notice that I didn't handle the case that GetValue() is called more than 6 times.
var meas = new int[] { 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 };
using (mocks.Record())
int forMockMethod = 0;
new Func<int>(() => meas[forMockMethod++])
foreach (var i in meas)
Assert.AreEqual(i, mocked_class.GetValue());