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Is there a way to escape $ and single quotes together in Bash?

I am running the following code, but if env.body contains $, it will be translated as a variable.

printf -v markdown_message_unescaped %b "<${{ env.URL }}|*${{ env.body }}*>\n"
jq -n -r --arg text "$markdown_message_unescaped" '{"text": $text}'|curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.TOKEN }}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @-  ${{ env.URL }}

I modified the code to look like the following to escape $, but this does not work well if single quotes are included in env.body.

body='${{ env.body }}'
printf -v markdown_message_unescaped %b "<${{ env.URL }}|*$body*>\n"
jq -n -r --arg text "$markdown_message_unescaped" '{"text": $text}'|curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.TOKEN }}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @-  ${{ env.URL }}

Is there a way to fix this?


  • You can use a heredoc, which will preserve everything literally (except the chosen EOF string). You must use the yaml pipe operator to preserve new lines, as they are required for the heredoc syntax.

    run: |
      cat <<"EOF"
      ${{ env.body }}
      printf -v markdown_msg %b "$markdown_msg"
      jq --arg text "$markdown_msg" # etc

    It's important that bash sees EOF on a single line, with no leading or trailing whitespace. Indentation in the yaml file will be stripped before it's passed to bash.