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Kusto - If else condition with Kusto

I am trying to convert the below Splunk query to Kusto.

| eval result=if(Match(Status,"Success|Passed"), "succeess","failed")

Below is the example from Kusto that is not clear . How do I modify this Kusto example as per the above Splunk Query pls. Thanks | extend day = iff(floor(Timestamp, 1d)==floor(now(), 1d), "today", "anotherday")

enter image description here


  • You could try this:

    | summarize success = countif(Status in ("Success", "Passed")), total = count() 
    | project success, failure = total - success
    • in case the values in the column named Status can have different casing, you can use in~()

    • in case the values in the column named Status are longer strings, which you want to look for substring in, you can use, for example: Status contains "Success" or Status contains "Passed"