For a project involving multiple scripts (data processing, model tuning, model training, testing, etc.) I may keep all my <class 'argparse.ArgumentParser'>
objects as the return value of functions for each script task in a module I name
. However, in the calling script itself (__main__
), after calling args = parser.parse_args()
, if I type args.
in VS Code I get no suggested attributes that are specific to that object. How can I get suggested attributes of argparse.NameSpace
objects in VS Code?
"""Module for command line interface for different scripts."""
import argparse
def some_task_parser(description: str) -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
return parser
"""Script for executing some task."""
from cli import some_task_parser
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = some_task_parser('arbitrary task')
args = parser.parse_args()
print(args.) # I WANT SUGGESTED ATTRIBUTES (SUCH AS args.some_arg) TO POP UP!!
I don't know about VSCode, in an ipython
session, the tab complete does show the available attributes of Namespace
. argparse.Namespace
is a relatively simple object class. What you want, I think, are just the attributes
of this object.
In [238]: args = argparse.Namespace(test='one', foo='three', bar=3)
In [239]: args
Out[239]: Namespace(bar=3, foo='three', test='one')
In [240]: args.
bar test
foo args.txt
But those attributes will not be available during development. They are put there by the parsing action, at run time. They cannot be reliably deduced from the parser
setup. Certainly argparse
does not provide such a help.
I often recommend that developers include a
during the debugging phase, so they get a clear idea of what the parser does.