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Query to select data from row into column in SQL Server

I have example table like this :

type          value
Name      |   John
Gender    |   Male
Address   |   New City
Phone     |   62813 
etc...    |   etc...

I want to make query and show the data from row into column, and the expected result like this :

Name    Gender    Address     Phone     etc...
John  |  Male  |  New City |  62813  |  etc...

In this scenario etc... means there are more data in the table. Is there any solution to show the table from row into column with many data in the table?


  • You would need to use Pivoting to solve this type of Problem.

    Lets create a small demo table T2 and proceed from it.

    Create table T2 (type varchar(100),Value varchar(100));
    insert into T2 Values('Name','John');
    insert into T2 Values('Gender','Male');
    insert into T2 Values('Address','New City');
    insert into T2 Values('Phone','62813');

    Now if this is the exact number then we can hard code column value of type and use it in our sql as shown below.

    SELECT [Name]
    FROM (
        SELECT type
        FROM T2
        ) AS T1
    PIVOT(Min(Value) FOR type IN (
                )) PVT;

    enter image description here

    But if there are lot of rows in your table and you want it to be dynamic then you can use dynamic query to handle such type of problems.

    SELECT @ColumnName = ISNULL(@ColumnName + ',', '') + QUOTENAME(type)
    FROM (
        SELECT type
        FROM T2
        ) AS T1;
    --Prepare the PIVOT query using the dynamic 
    SET @dml = N'SELECT ' + @ColumnName + ' FROM
      SELECT type,
     FROM T2
    ) AS T1
    PIVOT (Min(Value)
    FOR type IN (' + @ColumnName + ')) AS PVT'
    --Print @DynamicPivotQuery
    --Execute the Dynamic Pivot Query
    EXEC sp_executesql @dml

    This will give you the desired result. enter image description here