I've created an enum class Proposition with three possible constants,
public enum Proposition {
and I'd like to make it so that, when I write code using Boolean operators
Proposition propA = Proposition.FALSE;
Proposition propB = Proposition.NULL;
Proposition propC = propA && propB;
propC would become NULL, following Kleene's logic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-valued_logic
How would I implement that in Java? Do I HAVE to use a method or can I use Boolean operators?
You can implement this yourself using enum methods (something like what we get from Predicate
); operators can't be overridden in Java. Here's an example:
enum Proposition {
NULL(null) {
public Proposition and(Proposition other) {
return this;
public Proposition or(Proposition other) {
return this;
private final Boolean value;
Proposition(Boolean value) {
this.value = value;
public Proposition and(Proposition other) {
if (NULL == other) return NULL;
return of(this.value && other.value);
public Proposition or(Proposition other) {
if (NULL == other) return NULL;
return of(this.value || other.value);
public static Proposition of(Boolean bool) {
return null == bool ? NULL : (bool ? TRUE : FALSE);
And here's the call corresponding to your example:
Proposition propA = Proposition.FALSE;
Proposition propB = Proposition.NULL;
Proposition propC = propA.and(propB);
System.out.println(propC); // NULL
In other words, call .or()
method for ||
and .and()
method for &&