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How to interprete a section in XML file containing graphical information?

I try to interprete an XML file of a diagram that is created with All graphical elements can easily be read but the encoding of the freehand tool is not readable. Although I select saving without compression this part may be saved netherteless in compressed format? There is an apparently random sequence of letters, numbers, and some special characters (+,/, =) to describe the short stroke seen here:

The stroke encoding starts in the 2nd line after stencil( (full code is found here).

How the stroke is encoded in this sequence?

<mxCell id="c7RGBG_HR7ZXm5QX32jH-9" value="" style="shape=
fillColor=none;" vertex="1" parent="1"> <mxGeometry x="277.5999755859375"
y="238.19998168945312" width="71.60000610351562" height="2.399993896484375" 
as="geometry" />  </mxCell>

If I save it as SVG file then the coordinates are readable (full SVG code).

path d="M -0.4 2.6 L 0.4 2.6 L 3.76 2.28 L 8.97 1.91 L 11.2 1.8 L 14.9 1.6 L 19.3 1.3 L 23.9 1 L 28.8 0.8 L 33.4 0.6 L 37.2 0.5 L 40.8 0.4 L 44.4 0.3 L 47.9 0.2 L 51 0.2 L 54 0.2 L 56.4 0.2 L 58.5 0.2 L 60.5 0.2 L 62.4 0.2 L 64 0.2 L 65.5 0.2 L 66.7 0.2 L 67.8 0.2 L 68.7 0.2 L 69.6 0.2 L 70.4 0.2 L 71.2 0.2"

The freehand tool can be found in the Menu Arrange->Insert->Freehand. The XML is saved without compression in Menu File->Export as->XML.


  • The original text was Base64 encoded then compressed by deflate and URL encoded. The original text can be reconstructed by:

    1. Base64 decode
    2. Inflate
    3. URL decode

    A conversion tool and description is found here:

    Python 3. code

    import base64,zlib,urllib

    The compressed code of the OP is


    and after conversion (using the tool or python):

    <shape strokewidth="inherit"><foreground><path><move x="0.00"
    y="100.00"/><line x="1.12" y="100.00"/><line x="5.81" y="86.67"/>
    <line x="13.09" y="71.43"/><line x="16.20" y="66.67"/><line x="21.37"
     y="58.33"/><line x="27.51" y="45.83"/><line x="33.94" y="33.33"/>
    <line x="40.78" y="25.00"/><line x="47.21" y="16.67"/><line x="52.51"
     y="12.50"/><line x="57.54" y="8.33"/><line x="62.57" y="4.17"/>
    <line x="67.46" y="0.00"/><line x="71.79" y="0.00"/><line x="75.98"
     y="0.00"/><line x="79.33" y="0.00"/><line x="82.26" y="0.00"/>
    <line x="85.06" y="0.00"/><line x="87.71" y="0.00"/><line x="89.94"
     y="0.00"/><line x="92.04" y="0.00"/><line x="93.72" y="0.00"/>
    <line x="95.25" y="0.00"/><line x="96.51" y="0.00"/><line x="97.77"
     y="0.00"/><line x="98.88" y="0.00"/><line x="100.00" y="0.00"/>