I have this simple playbook named delete.yml
- hosts: all
become: false
- pause:
prompt: "Are you sure you want to delete \" EVERYTHING \"? Please confirm with \"yes\". Abort with \"no\" or Ctrl+c and then \"a\""
register: confirm_delete
- set_fact:
confirm_delete_fact: "{{ confirm_delete.user_input | bool }}"
- hosts: all
become: false
- {role: destroy when: confirm_delete_fact }
my inventory is
so I run the playbook with
ansible-playbook delete.yml -i inventoryfile -l my_group
Everything works but only for one host, the others in my_group are skipped because of the conditional check
What is wrong?
you could try that:
- hosts: all
become: false
- pause:
prompt: "Are you sure you want to delete \" EVERYTHING \"? Please confirm with \"yes\". Abort with \"no\" or Ctrl+c and then \"a\""
register: confirm_delete
- name: Register dummy host with variable
name: "DUMMY_HOST"
confirm_delete_fact: "{{ confirm_delete.user_input | bool }}"
- hosts: all
become: false
confirm_delete_fact: "{{ hostvars['DUMMY_HOST']['confirm_delete_fact'] }}"
- {role: destroy when: confirm_delete_fact }
if you dont want error on DUMMY_HOST (try to connect ssh), just do
- hosts: all,!DUMMY_HOST
if you put your prompt in task, it will be used one time and belongs to hostvars of the first host, so i create a new dummy host and pass variable to other playbook.
you could avoid that:
by putting the prompt over the tasks and testing the variable hostvars:
- hosts: all
become: false
- name: confirm_delete
prompt: "Are you sure you want to delete \" EVERYTHING \"? Please confirm with \"yes\". Abort with \"no\" or Ctrl+c and then \"a\""
private: no
default: no
- set_fact:
confirm_delete_fact: "{{ confirm_delete | bool }}"
- hosts: all
become: false
- {role: destroy when: hostvars[inventory_hostname]['confirm_delete_fact'] }
you could use the second solution because, you have the same hosts in both playbook. If different, i suggest you to use the first solution.