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CoreData seems to be losing attributes?

I have an Entity named Skeins that appears to be losing two of the attributes and I can't work out why:

func insertSkein(brand: String, code: String, type: String, description: String, discontinued: Bool) throws {
        let sk = Skeins(context: self.context) = UUID()
        sk.brand = brand
        sk.code = code
        sk.type = type.capitalized
        sk.skeindesc = description.capitalized
        sk.discontinued = discontinued
            print("error inserting skein: \(error)")

If I look at the state of sk at the insert line I can see:

<Skeins: 0x600002ba1e00> (entity: Skeins; id: 0x6000008ab100 <x-coredata:///Skeins/t9792D8DC-F6B0-4644-BD81-4CC63CE05B0F2>; data: {
    brand = TestBrand;
    brandcode = TestBrandTestCode;
    code = TestCode;
    discontinued = 0;
    id = "F1C7929C-C271-477D-B12F-0B3A11C13008";
    projectSkeins =     (
    sharedSkeinProjects =     (

As you can see both skeindesc and type are missing (both definitely have values in the parameters) and I can't find any difference in the way the strings are defined in the database file, so I'm stuck! Any suggestions would be brilliant :)

Thanks, Becky


  • Thanks everyone for the comments on this - spent a few days getting frustrated with it and then randomly chose a different emulator and it worked fine. So best guess is that when I changed pointing the project at iOS 14 -> iOS 15 the emulator got all confused. Lesson learnt - always wipe the emulator if I'm making big project changes!