Below erlang code fails with bad argument error in
** exception error: bad argument in function re:split/3
What should be the input for build_keyword_set ? I have tried giving binary input, string input, list of strings and list of binary objects, but it fails for all.
start() ->
BinList = ["8"],
Keywords = build_keyword_set(BinList),
io:fwrite(" Keywords = ~p", [Keywords]).
-spec build_keyword_set(list(binary())) -> list(string()).
build_keyword_set([Query|Rest]) ->
gb_sets:union(do_build_keyword_set(Query), build_keyword_set(Rest));
build_keyword_set([]) ->
-spec do_build_keyword_set(binary()) -> list(string()).
do_build_keyword_set(undefined) ->
do_build_keyword_set(Query) ->
gb_sets:from_list(re:split(Query, re:compile("\\s+", [unicode]), [{return, binary}])).
The problem is that the call to re:compile()
returns a tuple {ok, Result}
, so you can't pass it directly into re:split()